Saturday, May 5, 2012

Back to work...

Day 1:  What on earth made me think I could just pull up my big girl panties and head to work without turning into a complete wet noodle by 3pm?!    My body was yelling, "Hey Dumbass, you just spent 6 weeks in your chair--take it easy."  but I covered my ears, closed my eyes and shouted, "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" and skipped back to work.  I seriously think a part of me thinks I am invincible.  More like suffering from a bad case of denial.  In hindsight, putting in 2 extra hours my first day back was a DUMB MOVE.  Why I didn't see that coming is beyond me--wouldn't any normal, intelligent person know this?  Anyhoo, I sat at my desk with my shoulder at a weird angle, answered emails, put out fires, and read banking updates for more than 8 hours then came home surprised that I was tired and sore, plugged in my heating pad, ate dinner and fell asleep before my children.  (as in "earlier than" not "in front of")

Day 2:  I did it again and planned more *&^% to do after work next week...because I am a yes girl.

Day 3:  My boss called and was surprised I was still there.  Apparently she knows me better than I know myself and assumed I would hit it so hard the first few days that I would need to take more time off.  Lordy.

Day 4:  Feeling a little more normal.  I got a new treat to make my desk more ergonomic, met with some prospective clients and felt like I didn't have to fake the smiles quite as much.  Things are looking up.  I vaguely remember "normal".

Day 5:  I have never woken up thinking TGIF as vehemently as I did on this Friday.  Spent my lunch hour at PT (read: pain and yogurt for lunch) but got some really positive feedback so all in all it was a good day.  Went home and slept for 12 hours straight.  Methinks I needed it.

I'm feeling a bit more positive and decided it's time to choose the events in my life again rather than just let it happen to me.  So...I have a plan for tomorrow morning.  I don't want to disclose too much because my big mouth got me in trouble last time, but it involves a good pair of shoes and some headphones.  I need this.  I will let you know how it goes.

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