Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yumm, this crow is delicious...

Note to self:  no blogging while experiencing a runners high. 

So, I made a pretty grand statement last week after my first run.  I was all gung-ho, I was back
Bay-bee!  I was so...WRONG!  I hurt like crazy for the following 5 days or so but thought I could push through it because I'm tough, right?  I even attempted a second run that was a complete flop from the minute I left the house.  I hate that, but it happens.  When I finally realized I had taken a few steps backwards in my recovery progress, I recognized it as a big ol' slap on the head from the universe and decided I had better pay attention.  Got it.  No running...yet.

Next Monday is my first day back to work and I admit that while I love being at home, I see that it's time to get out of the house and use my brain.  The OCD of years past is kicking in and it is laser-focused on dog hair right now.  I understand it's spring and Elle is going to shed a little more now than normal, but holy hair--I just didn't anticipate the shedding to be at this level with a bulldog.  Last week I was obsessing a bit (okay, more than a bit) about needing to vaccuum multiple times a day and my daughter looked me in the eye and said, "Mom, you need to go back to work."  Out of the mouth of babes.  My world has shrunk down to the size of my house and not much else gets in.  Time to get myself back out there and think about other stuff.

On that note, hubby and I were able to run away for a night this weekend for the first time in many moons.  Nice hotel, great food, perfect weather...check.  We ate WAY too much which is normal for these getaways, but it was calm and relaxing and I didn't think about dog hair once for 24 hours so it was good for the soul.

Lists are my thing so here are two more: 

Stuff I am looking forward to when I return to work:

1.  There will not be any dog hair on my chair...or anywhere else in my office.
2.  I will not need to remind anyone to do anything laundry-related for hours at a time.
3.  I can see Starbucks from my desk.
4.  I truly like the people I work with and I have missed them!

Stuff I am NOT looking forward to when I return to work:

1.  Customers asking if I have been on vacation and the ensuing conversation...all day long.
2.  Nylons and a bra for 10 frickin hours.
3.  My alarm...every day?  Really?  Damn.
4.  Lack of napping opportunities.

Speaking of naps....

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