Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bangs or Botox?

I didn't come up with that title--it's actually a "thing".  I will give you a moment to Google it...seriously, go ahead.  A friend of mine recently got bangs (they're cute!) because her stylist told her "after 30, it's bangs or Botox".  I had never heard that before, and haven't had true bangs in 10 years.  I must be out of the loop because I thought we weren't supposed to have bangs after age 5.  My stylist gave me so much crap 10 years ago I guess I just never recovered.  So who makes these rules?  And why do I care?  That's it--screw them, I don't care.  Except yes I do...I care...dammit.  I know I don't like the horizontal age reminders that appear on my forehead everytime the sun comes out or I'm confused...or can't see...or hear...okay just way too often.  I just wish I had known in my 30's that I needed to be proactive.  I was just too busy USING Pro-Activ on my stupid acne that I had no clue I was also supposed to be fighting wrinkles and lines and other stuff that wasn't there yet.  Ugh.  Being a woman is exhausting.  I would warn my daughters, but I have a feeling they will pay attention as well as I did (not) at that age.  I will say that as much as I joke about getting Botox or surgically putting parts of me back where they used to be, I just don't have it in me to fight aging that way.  (However I do not judge those who do--to each his/her own)   I will exercise, I will eat right, and I will keep Victoria's Secret, but I will accept the passing of time without surgery or injections, with as much grace as I can muster...and I guess with bangs.

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