Saturday, January 26, 2013

No mas.

I was feeling a little old last week. 

I recently went on a trip with two friends who have small children.  Lots of the talk centered around babies, breastfeeding, potty training, and more breastfeeding.  For the first time, it was very obvious to me how far removed I am from that stage of life. Instead of feeling nostalgic, it all felt very foreign-- almost like that time in my life happened to someone else.  It was very weird to think that my life once revolved around my daughters' very basic needs: when she would eat, how much she ate, when she would sleep, what ended up in the diaper, and when would I have a chance to take a freaking nap and shower, for the love of God?!  It was kind of fun to listen to their talk and know that my "baby" can drive herself to school and lets me sleep through the night.  I have loved every stage that they have gone through...okay, that's a lie--a few of them kind of sucked at times.  I guess I can say that I "appreciate" every stage they have gone through because these are some awesome kids living in our house.  They are kind, they are funny as hell, and I like spending time with them.  I think they will go on to be pleasant adults who will raise more good people and that's important.  Now that the oldest is nearly 20, and the youngest is chomping at the bit to start drivers ed, I am becoming more aware that my future baby experiences are going to be as "Grandma". 

That's weird.