Thursday, April 19, 2012

Appreciating My Down Time

   Long, long ago, in my past life (AKA first marriage), I was lucky enough to stay home with my babies for several years.  I had a part-time position with a photographer for a bit, and my own business for another year (that is a story for another day--what a sucky set-up that was.)  For the most part though, my days revolved around getting the oldest to and from school and playdates and keeping the youngest from licking the outlets or playing in the road.  (She was a determined little twit too, this was no small feat.)  I can't count the hours we spent playing dress-up, reading stories, and doing art projects.  The fact that I was there for so many of their milestones is priceless to me--I wouldn't trade it for the world and I count myself VERY blessed that this was my reality.  That being said, after eight years I was ready to turn in my domestic goddess card and head back to the world of grown-ups.  That was eleven years ago and I have been hard at work ever since, until....
     Now.  This recovery period from shoulder surgery meant six weeks off from work.  Six weeks?!  I  haven't taken more than two consecutive weeks away from my desk  So this was weird.   I now have one more week at home, then it is back to the bank for me.  My brain has kind of turned to porridge so I believe it is a good thing, but I feel like I need to stop and note the parts I truly appreciated about my stay at home this time around:

1.  My family (including the ones who don't live here):  They have all busted their heineys to keep me comfortable.  Whether it's picking up something heavy, chores without complaint, taking care of the dog, or just letting me veg in my chair without asking anything of me for hours.  We have had so many good talks, and I feel like I have seen more of them these 5 weeks than in 5 months.  It's been good to re-connect...They rock. 

2.  Teenagers are fun:  I have four of 'em, so I consider myself a bit of an expert and I can say without a doubt that this is my favorite age.  Think about it:  They know their own schedule--they just need rides.  My help is never required in the bathroom, they can get their own snacks, and they let me fact they probably prefer it when I'm asleep because that means I can't ask them to vaccuum.  In addition to all of this, they are developing some pretty wicked senses of humor, and like the same tv and movies I do.  These are some great human beings, and don't tell them I know this, but I think they kind of like me too.  Shhhhhhh.

3.  Technology: It is nearly impossible to be bored.  I remember how excited we were to have MTV and the Disney channel when the kids were little.  I now have more channels and gadgets than I know what to do with.  Between my phone, the laptop, and the TV, I could go all day without talking to another person.  Don't get me wrong--I've still read about ten books so far, but it's nice to have it when I want it.  Plus, I am much better at "Words with Friends" with the kids now than I was at playing "Polly Pockets" when they were four. 

4.  My time is my own:  Staying at home now is very different from before since they now go to school for several hours a day.  This means I am alone with the dog, and she doesn't care if I don't shower until noon or watch HGTV for four straight hours.  As long as I let her lay at the end of my chair and snore every morning, she's happy.  This freedom is completely foreign to me...but I bet I could get used to it.

To all of you who don't have to check in at a 40 hr/wk kind of job outside of the home--you have my respect.  Even with all the perks I listed, I can tell you that being a stay-at-home parent is the hardest job I ever had.  But you can't beat getting your "paycheck" in cuddles and happy kids.

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