Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I know, I kind of disappeared for a little bit there.  I just really didn't have anything interesting to say, and my fear is that my rambling may literally induce some snoring from those of you kind enough to click on my link.  Busy?  Yep, but that goes without saying with all these kids and the one with four legs.  However, Busy does not equal Entertaining.  The pace has certainly gotten more tolerable without the school schedule but that won't last long.  It seems like the kids get out of school later and later in June, then start back up with sports and music "camps" (that's a fun word for "Required Practices During August") before the weather even fully turns summer-ish in our neck of the woods.  The next thing you know, it's time to send 'em back to class and we start on the hamster wheel all over again.  Wheeeeeeeee! 

So that being said, I don't have one single topic today but here are a few of my thoughts in no particular order:

Reading:  I read a lot of blogs--most of of them are "Mommy Blogs" and it occurred to me the other day how different my young-children-stay-at-home years would have been with a blog.  Hell, we only had the internet for a few of those years...and it was dial-up.  Positively archaic.  It would have been fun to write about the goofy things my kids were doing, and very nice to feel a sense of "community" without having to sit at the park.  I have noticed there aren't nearly as many blogs with moms of teenagers.  I think that's mostly because they are old enough to know the best way to pay us back if we write something they don't want shared in this forum.  You will not be reading about my children's potty schedule in this blog (but trust me--at least one of them has good material).

Running:  My deal of a treadmill turned out to have issues.  Thankfully, the guy I bought it from took care of me.  It had zero hours on it, so he registered the unit and used the warranty so I could get a new console.  This meant all the lights worked, but then my iFit module didn't work with the new console and frankly, I was ready to put the damn thing out on the street with a "Free to Good Home" sign.  My handy hubby is not only a fantastic chiropractor, but he takes care of the IT needs of all 3 offices, so I put him to work.  An hour later, he had figured out the bugs, and this morning I got up to a working treadmill with iFit.  I ran on the Amalfi Coast  (Holy Incline!) and tomorrow I'm going to allow The Idiot (but lets admit she has a rockin' bod) Elizabeth Hasselbeck put me through my paces.  I still love technology...I just love that someone I love knows how to make it behave.

Vacation:  Here is where I need a little input.  We are planning a trip to Mexico in the fall and every time I mention our destination to someone, they have looked at me like we're nuts.  Mexico has a lot of violence, I know, but we're planning on staying at an All-Inclusive resort in Cabo.  I feel like we should be safe, but I'm not willing to risk death for a tan and an in-room alcohol dispenser (SERIOUSLY, THIS IS A REAL THING!!!)  Disclaimer:  we don't even drink hard alcohol, but the idea of a dispenser in the room is gadget-y and cool.  I HATE the idea of letting fear rule my decision making.  But do I hate it more than the chance of orphaning our children?  Hell to the no.  Do I want to celebrate my husbands 40th birthday at the location of his choice?  Si.  What do you all know?  Are we going to make it home alive?

Age:  This part stinks.  I am seeing things happen that I don't want to face...(no pun intended)  Hair:  Graying.  I have dark hair that had a decent brown color until I had children.  Now?  Colorless and blah...just dark.  I highlight with blond religiously and will until I develop the nerve to go dark again.  I associate dark hair with a dark place in my life and avoid it like the plague...Minds are amazing.  Wrinkles:  Yeah, it's happening.  I'm dealing with it, along with other nasty skin stuff that I could do without.  Right now, I'm counting on Sephora to help me keep it in check, but I have a feeling I'm going to need to make friends with a good dermatologist soon.  As mentioned before, I don't think I will do Botox, but there has got to be something a little "friendlier" and less scary that I could start with.  Eyes:  Yeah, ummmm, I'm frickin' blind.  I opened a magazine this morning and could feel my eyes literally zoom in and out to try to focus on the tiny print.  F-Word.  I see readers in my immediate future.  Am I a little young for them?  Probably, but I also got my glasses at a young age and I'm blind as a bat without them.  If anyone will need readers early, it will be me.  Gravity:  I'm not gonna lie...everything is in a different place from where it started before pregnancy, nursing, and weight gain.  Oh, and cheerleading in a bad bra--pretty sure that did me no favors.  Oh, and the flat ass?  Not a fan.  Rest assured that there are lunges happening in my home on a regular basis.  It doesn't help that my husband is 40 but looks 25.  Dammit.

Okay, now something to make you cringe, giggle, and thank your lucky stars you weren't me this week...

The Dog: She ate (literally ingested) her rope toy last weekend.  It "sort of" made an appearance on Monday.  Someone had to help...that someone was me.  That is all.

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