Sunday, February 24, 2013

My latest obsession

Waaaaay back in 2007, Amazon launched their new product, The Kindle.  I have always been a voracious reader, and my husband recognized that this would the perfect gift for me.  We had just begun traveling several times a year, and he was tired of helping me lug around 4-5 library books on each trip.  He paid a small fortune, we were put on a waiting list, and 4 weeks later my Kindle arrived in a very fancy box with lots of cords and instructions.  The original Kindle worked off of cell service, because in 2007, wi-fi was only available in those pesky "hotspots".  I LOVED my Kindle, it traveled everywhere with me and I used it all the time. 

Fast-forward to 2012.  My Kindle is now limping along on it's after-market replacement battery that I could only find on Ebay.  Downloading a book requires standing in the south-western corner of my living room with the Kindle actually touching the wall, and even then I had to be standing on one foot with my arm in the air and a mind full of positive energy.  Meanwhile, daughter #2 had gotten a new Kindle Fire which made my original Kindle look like an Etch-A-Sketch.  I resisted for about a year, but when Amazon made the Fire practically free one day during my birthday week, I succumbed.

This time it's different though:  I have had my new Kindle for 2 months now and I have yet to read a book on it.  I have been a "Prime" member for years, and decided to take advantage of the ability to stream shows.  I started with "Downton Abbey", which led me to "Upstairs Downstairs".  (the new one from 2 years ago--it's excellent!)  I watched every episode of every season from beginning to end whenever I wanted and it was free. I wish I could go back in time and tell 13-year-old me that this was going to be available in the future. A friend asked me if I had ever seen "Friday Night Lights".  Um, no.  That's football...Me no likey football.  "Try it" she said.  She has a good track record of being right so one night I turned on the first episode.  Kyle Chandler is cute, Connie Britton has fabulous hair, okay let's move on to the next one.  That was 5 seasons ago.  I will not admit how long (or rather how NOT long) it took me to watch all 74 episodes of this show, but the word "obsessive" does not begin to touch it.  I loved the characters, the casting was spot-on, and the storylines were so well-written.  I finished it last night at 11:50 and promptly went into mourning.  I may have to watch it again but with hubby this time. 

But first, I think I had better read a book.

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